
E-Commerce Hourly Sales Trends As Of May 2024

Flybear Pick & Pack has recently analysed data throughout the last 6 months to provide e-commerce hourly sales trends in Malaysia that could help you in your average fulfillment requirements. The analyse is based on data captured through the accumulative sales of all our partners, leading to some interesting findings.

Standard Weekday Sales Days Ups and Downs

E-Commerce Sales Trends ups and downs

During a standard weekday, sales peak between 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM. From there, there will be a slight increase in the evening, starting around 4.30 PM until 6.00 PM, and increase after 8.00 PM.

Micro-Moments Before The Next Task

A micro-moment is an intent-rich moment when a person turns to the device to act on a need – to know, go, do or buy. In this instant, we believe that the chart above generalises an average person’s busy weekday.

We hypothesise the 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM purchases to be the micro-moments right before you start work (when you sit down at your desk, or right before you have your breakfast) as well as the micro-moments right before you sit down for lunch or right before you continue your work day.

The evening purchases are hypothesised to be the micro-moments right before you leave your current place and head home.

In a way, these micro-moment purchases are the in-betweens or transitions between blocks of time scheduled within a day.


We also believe that the highest peaks are between 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM because of the hope of receiving the purchase the next day. By taking advantage of the 10 minutes you have between sitting down at your desk and doing your first task, you have increased the probability of a courier calling you the next day to retrieve the item.

Free and Easy Weekends

Weekends tend to be a bit more erratic in regards to the data retrieved, however, we can generalise that micro-moments occur around lunchtime, 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM, and after 8.00 PM.

With that said, however, you can possibly note that each hour will have the same amount of orders starting at 10.00 AM.

The 9-2 Goal

From the data analysed, we can hypothesise that if your orders between the times of 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM increase from your company’s standard daily pattern, your orders for the entire rest of the day will increase as well.

For example, if your 9-2 is constantly at 100 orders, but one day it increases to 150 (50%), then every hour after 2.00PM will also increase by 50% until the day’s end. We have constantly seen this pattern.

Possible Strategies

Launch Before Work or Before Lunch

Use social media to build anticipation the days leading to the launch, but allow purchases right before work starts, or right before people sit down for their lunch.

Marketing Based On Potential Customer’s Schedule

Testimonies, how-to posts, Tiktok Lives, glam shots, can be schedule for a time when a potential customer has more free time, which might be after 2.00 PM. Give them time to learn about your brand, do their own research and think about it.

Shopee Ads, Facebook Ads, E-mail marketing, TikTok Ads that push pricing, discounts and promotions should have heavier push in the mornings up until 2.00 PM. This is when intent-to-buy is highest and you’ll be fighting to get that purchase against your competitors.


Flybear is determined to share more knowledge of e-commerce sales trends to help you better your prospects!